July Meeting
Meeting called to order at 7:07pm, Members present; Shawn, Bill, Rob, Dan, Myron
Sec. ; minutes where read from the June meeting and accepted.
Treasures; Report ,We have money in the bank.
V. P./tournament Directors report; congratulation,s to the winners of the first two tournaments and the next points tournaments is on Conesus on July 22nd.
Pres. Report None
Old business N/A
New business; We are unable to field a 6man team this year. So we talked about what to do with the money that we will have after the raffle. A few things we talked about was giving more to the money tournament, doing more for the banquet, getting hats for the members. It was tabled for now until we see what we will have after the raffle.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.
March 2019 Meeting
Members present; Mike M., Rob J., Bill T., Steve M., Evan L., Jack L.,
Meeting called to order 7:04
Presidents Report; N/A
VP report; Changes to the tournament schedule. The cayuga open is June 16th Sunday, Keuka lake launch is changed to the Penn Yan launch, Cayuga lake tournament changed to July 14th.
Treasurers report; N/A
Sec. Report; read the minutes from last m months meeting, accepted.
Old Business; None
New Business; We have the gun raffle tickets printed and handed out. For those that have not received them yet and plane on fishing the money tournament see me.
We are changing our way we do weight ins to promote better fish care, by using two baskets ( less handling of the fish. ) Talking about having a fall open bass tournament.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05
April 2019 Meeting
Meeting call to order 7:10
Members Present; Mike M., Rob J., Myron B., Mike H., Tim S., Bill B., Jack L., Bill Terry., Mark.
Treasurers Report : N/A
Sec. Report: N/A
VP/ Tournament Directors Report: Passed out updated tournament schedule.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Passed out raffle tickets.
Meeting Adjourned 7:45
50/50 Mike H..